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Dutch Mantell on Billy Joe Travis Getting Arrested LIVE on USWA Television!
Billy Joe Travis Talks About Getting Arrested On Live TV - USWA Wrestling TV Memphis, TN 7/05/1997
Billy Joe Travis LEGIT Gets Arrested On Live TV - USWA Wrestling TV Memphis, Tennessee 6/28/1997
Jerry "The King" Lawler Put Wrestlers Real Police Arrest On Live TV (Billy Joe Travis USWA)
Squash The Myth | Billy Travis Arrested On Live USWA TV
Jerry "The King" Lawler Put Real Police Arrest On TV!
Sweet Music Man Billy Joe Travis Wants Tony Falk - NWA Main Event Wrestling Nashville, TN 2001
Billy Joe Travis Destroys A Guitar Over Doug Gilbert's Head - MCW Wrestling Nashville, TN 1997
Commercial - USWA Wrestling on Fox41 (1996)
Dutch Mantell on The Great Khali
Dutch Mantell Reacts to This TOTAL F**KING IDIOT Lighting His Head on FIRE!!!
Dutch Mantell on Being Asked to Mentor Ahmed Johnson (GREAT GOOGILY MOOGILY!)